Home » Hurry Up and Wait

Hurry Up and Wait


“Hurry Up and Wait” is Part Three of “The Broken Glass Suite”, which I compiled for this collection. This segment reveals the pixilation I experienced peering out the window of a bus ride to a scary neighborhood. It is dedicated to Marzy Quazar, who is an inspiration.  The torn drawing in the cover piece is from a drawing by Marzy. The other half of the drawing is incorporated into the cover of “Go Away a Little Closer”, which is also dedicated to her. The note below was in the envelope that she gave me with the drawing.


Hurry Up and Wait – Lyrics
Fingernail on the Blackboard!
Beer bottles Breaking!
Somebody farted on the bus
(and it’s a long way to your stop)
Broken glass in minute slivers


from Broken Glass Promenade, track released 15 June 2014

Track Credits
Composed and Produced by The StiKman
Engineered by The StiKman with Rance Fellows-Mannion
Production consultant: Nicholas Dobson

The StiKman: Composer, Electronic Drums and sound design
Rance: Guitar, Bass Guitar and Vocals
Ted Ballantine: Trap Drums
Karina Eff: Vocals
The Broken Glass Chorus: Brooke, Tess and Tina


A note from Marzy Quayzar 


“Marzy Quayzar” by The StiKman